We work harder to maximize the impact from your donation.
We implement cost-saving measures and streamline operations so you can feel confident the money you send directly impacts this global crisis.
Instant Donation
Improve outcomes for snakebite victims with a one-time, tax-deductible donation. Rest assured your money directly benefits snakebite victims worldwide.
ASF Membership
Commit to saving limbs and lives with an ASF membership as an Asclepius’ Aide! Your recurring donation, regardless of the amount, provides insight for financial projections. Asclepius’ Aides receive stickers, electronic annual reports, and a discount to ASF Venom Conference registration.
Unpaid Volunteers
Our snakebite experts ensure every dollar donated directly benefits snakebite victims by volunteering their time and expertise to cover the essential aspects of our mission — delivering crucial assistance to those affected by snakebites.
Diverse Team
Our volunteer team also includes a variety of non-medical career paths.
Business Professionals streamline daily operations.
Artists and Photographers donate work for fundraising.
Legal Professionals offer guidance and best practices.
Student Involvement
We partner with colleges like Humber and Whitman College where students contribute marketing, social media and fundraising projects. They develop their professional portfolios and gain real-world experience while increasing ASF’s visibility and user experience.