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The ASF team works diligently to address the dire need for snakebite support in tropical climates. If you enjoy the articles below, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Recurring or one-time donations, no matter the amount, equate to life-changing support for snakebite victims and their families. If there are any topics you’d like addressed, please email us. We always love the opportunity to educate.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting…. And Snakebitten
Kimberly Wyatt Kimberly Wyatt

What to Expect When You’re Expecting…. And Snakebitten

Snakebites can lead to serious consequences regardless of the victim's age or health, pregnant women face additional challenges due to the potential harm that venomous toxins can inflict on fetal development. It is crucial to address snakebite treatment promptly and efficiently to minimize risks.

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